Saturday, April 2, 2011

quiet. peace.

December 12, 2010
Last night Kirksville had its first real snow.  One of my favorite things to do is to go out late at night and take a walk.  There’s something about that calm, that peace that comes with nighttime and falling snow that draws me outside.
Another moment where I feel more fully alive.
I’ve thought a lot about this semester.  It’s been weird.  And hard.  But I’m learning.  The Lord is stretching me.  I’m realizing that I’m growing up.
In attempt to organize my thoughts, they look something like this:
-Hard work is good.  Putting effort into what I do, realizing the implications of what that work has on my future is important.  But it is NOT everything.
-It’s easy to allow stress to take over.  Easy for my heart and mind to become anxious. Peace is more difficult.  It doesn’t come naturally.  We have to ask for it.  But the Lord will give it.  And it’s worth it.
-Being honest with people about where you’re at is SO worth it.  Receiving prayer and encouragement is wonderful.  I have pretty great friends.
-I can (and will) have adult conversation with my parents.  I’m not the kid that lived in their house for 18 years.  I’m supposed to be becoming an adult, and I want them to see who I am here, what God’s doing in my life, where he might be leading me.  I want to learn more from them.  They are compassionate and wise and I have so much to learn.
-Adventure is NECESSARY in my life.  I need it to stay sane.  Sometimes my heart is far from this place, it craves to do things, see things, experience life more.  Yep.  Adventure is important.
-This life is not about me.  At all.  I desperately need more of Him, less of me.
-Life is hard.  Sin is ugly.  People are broken.  I have longed for heaven more this year than ever before.  But God is good, He redeems, He transforms.  There is beauty and truth to be seen here and now while I wait.
I am grateful that the Lord does not waste an opportunity to teach me more about who He is or what He’s doing.  This year has been hard, but so so good.  He’s faithful.

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