August 13, 2010
The goodness of the Lord in every aspect of my life completely astounds me.
I just spent the past month of my life at Kanakuk. The week before I left to work there, I was anxious, and honestly, completely dreading to go. I had become comfortable in my little home-bubble, with the people I already knew and a church I already loved. I was content to remain comfortable. But the Lord had other plans.
So He placed me in a hot kitchen with 12 other girls for 25 days, and stretched me and blessed me in more ways than I thought possible. It was hard. I felt lonely, and tired, and weak. But God is bigger than those things, and had so much to show me. He taught me to understand and appreciate the value of hard work, to lean on Him and beg for strength and joy when I felt like I had nothing left to give, to delight in Him, and to love His people. And I wouldn’t trade that time and those experiences for anything.
He is good, He knows absolutely what is best for me, and I am thankful.
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