Monday, April 6, 2015

new things.

There's been a little over a year of silence in this space, and I wish I had more to show for it. There are plenty of reasons I could list, excuses I could make. Mostly I think it has a lot to do with insecurity-- looking around and feeling like I couldn't possibly have anything worthwhile to contribute, especially when there's already so much to consume, and most of it is much better than what I have to offer. 

But I've realized I need an outlet. And even though what is found here may not be exceptional, it is good for me to process, to record, to create. So I'm giving it another go :)


Yesterday was Easter, and our pastor preached a beautiful sermon from 1 Corinthians 15:50-58. Discouragement has characterized this season for me, but I find comfort in remembering that my sanctification is a slow, often painful work, spanning my entire life. It won't always feel like victory, but I can be confident that as I continue to seek the Lord, he will change my heart. I am also filled with hope for the day when I have a resurrection body, completely free from sin and alive to God.     

We Shall All Be Changed

Resurrection bodies—
we shall all be changed.

For as in Adam all die,
so also in Christ
shall all be made alive.

Just as we have borne
the image of the man of dust,
we shall also bear
the image of the man of heaven.

The last enemy
to be destroyed
is death.

Resurrection bodies:
we shall all be changed.

 (a found poem, based on 1 Cor. 15)

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