Do we really understand a God whose nature is all righteous, upright; holy?
Do we know what it means, not just to do righteous deeds, or to think righteous thoughts, but to BE righteous?
This God, the one that spoke a universe to be, is the full and total embodiment of righteousness, the essence of perfection.
Can we even begin to wrap our minds around perfection? Where in this world of sin and decay can we possibly even find it?
There is no goodness apart from him. Every shred of good that does exist came directly from him, by him, for him.
And then we met his Son. All God, all man. All righteous, all holy. Lived sinless, in constant and complete submission to the will of the Father. Died with God’s wrath on him for our sin. Buried, risen, appeared, commissioned, ascended, now he’s sitting at the right hand of Abba.
God’s holiness required that Jesus come, that Jesus show us his holiness, that he’d teach us grace and liberty and obedience, that he’d die so that we’d live. So that HIS righteousness would cover our filthy rags, so that salvation would be ours, so that our lives and hearts would be transformed by his Spirit, so that his name would be glorified.
Believers in Christ have right standing before a righteous God. Therefore, repent of every sin that holds you back from praising, honoring, obeying, glorifying the Lord as he deserves—seek to love him, trust him, follow him more.
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