Something I'm slowly learning (again) is the absolute necessity of truly and constantly surrendering my life and heart to the Lord. Elizabeth Elliot says "Life requires countless 'little' deaths-- occasions where we are given the chance to say no to self and yes to God." The more I really begin to examine the way I live, I'm convicted that I still cling to what I think or desire to be "mine". Often that choice is unconscious, but it reflects something deeper in me-- a sinful and selfish heart. The truth is, the attitude of my heart ought to be a resounding, "YES" to God. I'm called to take up my cross daily (Luke 9:23), to remember what I've been redeemed from (an eternity of sin and death) and for (the GLORY of God, to be forever in enjoyment of his presence), and consider myself dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus (Romans 6:11).
Abundant life in Christ requires death. First his death and then ours. Lasting joy comes from seeking the Lord in all things and from continual surrender to his will. And there is great beauty to be seen in these "little deaths", for they collide with God's perfect will to his glory.
Abundant life in Christ requires death. First his death and then ours. Lasting joy comes from seeking the Lord in all things and from continual surrender to his will. And there is great beauty to be seen in these "little deaths", for they collide with God's perfect will to his glory.
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